The botanically brewed drinks brand is launching its new Raspberry Lemonade to consumers in May

FENTIMANS, the only Botanically Brewed soft drinks and mixers brand, announces it is launching Raspberry Lemonade – a new addition to its existing repertoire of classic Lemonades alongside Victorian Lemonade and the brand’s iconic Rose Lemonade.

Following extensive consumer research1, Fentimans will be introducing its Raspberry Lemonade NPD at key off-trade retailers and on-trade hospitality venues with the aim of further growing its market share in the Lemonade category and distribution against key competitors. 

Like the famous Fentimans Lemonades currently in the portfolio, Fentimans Raspberry Lemonade will be created using the botanical brewing process that gives the drink its distinctive and complex depth of flavour. To help increase customer consideration and appeal to customers on-shelf, the Raspberry Lemonade will also feature a vibrant and enticing colour, bringing to life the bold yet delicately light essence of the new product.

Fentimans already holds a significant share of the branded Premium Lemonade market2, with Rose Lemonade currently being the brand’s biggest flavoured lemonade SKU worth £2m in the UK3. The iconic drink is also the fastest-selling flavoured lemonade in on-trade venues.

Jayne Andrews, marketing director at Fentimans, comments: “This is an exciting time for Fentimans and we see this as a real opportunity for further brand growth within the Lemonade category both in the on-trade and off-trade. We know our famous Lemonades are firm favourites with shoppers who seek them out. And our consumer research

identified a clear interest in our new Raspberry Lemonade. We are pleased to be rolling this out ready for the summer months.”

Raspberry Lemonade will be available to customers in 750ml and 275ml formats to enhance in-home drinking moments as well as experience-led occasions at premium food and drink venues.

Fentimans Raspberry Lemonade is due to go into production in April and May 2023.

For more information on Fentimans and its range of soft drinks and mixers, please visit www.fentimans.com/.



Media Contacts: For more information, contact Rachel Jones or Sam Guillon at O Agency on 0191 2325690 or email rachelj@o.agency / sam@o.agency

Notes to editors

1Attest research conducted by Fentimans of 385 customers – December 2022.

2CGA OPMS On Premise Premium Lemonade value sales 12 wks ending 31.12.2022.

3CGA OPMS On Premise Premium Lemonade top 40 SKUs value sales 12 wks ending 31.12.2022.

About Fentimans

Fentimans is a family owned business started in 1905 by Thomas Fentiman; it is presently run by Eldon Robson, Thomas Fentiman’s great, great grandson. Fentimans is the only brewer in the UK to use the time-honoured process of botanical brewing to produce natural and exquisitely crafted beverages that have a rich and complex taste.

Fentimans beverages and mixers are crafted with knowledge and expertise passed on from generation to generation of the Fentimans family. All-natural ingredients are used to make Fentimans exquisitely crafted beverages.

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